The Cardboard Box


As a caveat I like scores somewhat but also see the reasoning behind all the hate of scores. Scores take away from a review as your eyes dart to see the score often not bothering to even read the review that took hours to write. Also it is difficult to put into numbers a complex opinion, thus leading to issues where a game is scored either higher or lower than expected if you read the review causing a lack of consistency.

How I see it

On the scale of 5 here is how I see it:

1/5 = Avoid this garbage unless you like self flagellation and pain.
2/5 = More than likely not worth your time, I would suggest only playing this if you want the experience of saying you played the game.
3/5 = A rent-able title, also if you can snag it cheap in a bargain bin it might be a good deal.
4/5 = This game is good and should be bought at some point. I would recommend playing it so waiting for the price to come down wouldn't be too advised. Grab this game and play it, quickly if possible.
5/5 = Get this game on release day. Do not wait, this is a quality title. It may have flaws but its good parts will most certainly over shadow any flaws it may have.

On the scale of 10 here is how I see it:
0.0 = The game is a lie.
0.1-1.0 = Crap to the level that playing this is worse than just taking your eyes out with the box it came in.
1.1-2.0 = Throw this game out the window and hope it lands in a pit of fire.
2.1-3.0 = Will cause much anger and disappointment, but will most likely have a feature or two that shined.
3.1-4.0 = The experience has a little merit and the game may be rent-able, but will not be staying around in many peoples collection.
4.1-5.0 = Barely Rent-able, most likely due to a mix between good and bad parts. Not terrible but by no means great.
5.1-6.0 =This game is a rent. Though worth the play through if the game type is one you like. Not going to stretch to be liked by non-fans of the genre.  
6.1-7.0 =Bargain bin  no need to buy at full price though. Some good, at least more good than bad and will keep you entertained for awhile.
7.1-8.0 = Buy this game. This level of game should end up in your collection, may not be your favorite game but it will give plenty of entertainment.
8.1-9.0 = Buy this game around the time it comes out. More good than bad by a lot. More then likely just one or two bigger then average flaws holding it back from being a great game. May contain a great game many will call their favorite.
9.1-9.5 = Great game, buy the day it is released. A no doubt must have for any gamer.
9.6-10 = Game of the year candidate at least for the console it is on. Buy this game now! Absolutely recommended.

Scores Out of 5

Splinter Cell: Conviction  5/5
The Godfather 2  3/5
Fable 2  4/5
inFAMOUS  4/5
Bully  4/5
NCAA Basketball '10  3/5

Scores out of 10

Splinter Cell: Conviction  9.5/10
The Godfather 2  6.0/10
Fable 2  9.0/10
inFAMOUS  9.1/10
Bully  8.8
NCAA Basketball '10  7.5